Think About The Five Top Strategies You Would Do When Dealing With Personal Challenges.

Think about the five top strategies you would do when dealing with personal challenges.

Think about the five top strategies you would do when dealing with personal challenges.

  1. Welcome adversity - Let any hardship come into our lives, it is a reality and we should face them fearlessly later on we will realized that we have already overcome personal challenges in life. Remember challenges in life is not final. We should not think that we cannot do anything about it. Challenges is given to build our character. God has designed it not to destroy us but to make us a better person in fact, He created a way for us to go out from the dark side of our lives. We should always think that if there is a challenge there is a corresponding solution if we endure.
  2. Take your time -  Short cutting has always a negative result, it is associated with regrets and other undesirable effects. When we are in time of difficulties, we should always remember to resolve them slowly but surely. It is our nature to solve a problem in our own perspective without seeking opinion, guidance from professional or highly spiritual people.  We tend to resolve a problem by creating another problem, we never think about taking time. We are always in a hurry because we are thinking it is correct but later on, we realized it is absolutely very wrong.  
  3. Turn toward Reality - We should always accept the fact, that sometimes there is a life challenge. In reality, most of us do not like challenges, we always run and avoid from it, because we like to have a comfortable life. It would be better if we are guided by the reality principle, because through this principle we can develop something to deal with life more effectively. What once frightened us now manageable and what once was hard is now okay.
  4. Be still - We always be calm in all circumstances, yes it is easy to say this but honestly it is hard to take it because when we are in a problematic situation real characters and feeling will reveal. Calm is a good remedy for think a better solution for the problem. Being calm is always helpful rather than panic, Panic is stressful things that would push us to make undesirable things.  We should always be still and let God works for the problem.  
  5. Get something done - Doing something will divert our attention from the problem we are facing. It is good to be always busy in doing something like involving in service of God, community service, engaging in sports or anything beneficial for us and for others. Sitting in the corner of the house or staying in the room cannot help. It can ruin our lives. Socializing with God's people is advisable when we are facing deep trials. These people will help us recover from pain. We must not associate with people who can give us wrong advice and might share the problem to other for them to have a daily story to talk about.

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